Stay Informed
What is Stay Informed?
Stay Informed is a free, subscription-based service designed to keep you informed of the latest happenings in Peach County. Whenever you see the Stay Informed icon, you can subscribe to get content updates delivered via email or RSS feed.
How does Stay Informed work?
- Click on the Stay Informed icon on page where you would like to receive updates.
- If you are a new user, you will be prompted to enter an email address
- You have the option of setting a password so that no one else can access your subscriber information.
- You may select from a variety of topics.
- When content updates are available, you will automatically receive a notice via e-mail.
- Follow the link to the page where the updated content is located.
- At any time, you may access your Stay Informed account to make changes, including removing yourself from further updates.
How is my privacy protected?
The only information we require is the email address you would like to use to receive notifications. Please note that under current Georgia law, these email lists are public records, and we must make them available for inspection to anyone who makes a public records request, except to the extent they contain public enterprise billing information or other information protected from disclosure by law. For more information, please read our entire privacy notice.
- Type your email address in the box and select Sign In
- To subscribe or unsubscribe click
next to the lists to which you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe.
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Stay Informed

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For those who are not familiar with the term, RSS is an acronym that stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. It allows you to keep up-to-date on content from sites you are interested in. We offer several full RSS feeds that you can use to get updates directly in your feed reader without having to visit our site.